What is Modern Gadgets?

Modern Gadgets: 


  • Modern gadget is a small device that is smartly designed than the normal technology.
  • A modern gadget can also be defined as a small tool that has a very specific purpose and use.
  • Modern gadgets also refer to the computer enabled programs that do not need any independent application.
  • It is a device that has a specific purpose.
  • In simpler terms, a modern gadget is a high end electronic tool.

We use modern gadgets as a part of our day to day activities, and let us now understand the pros and cons of the same.

Advantages of Modern Gadgets-

  1. They promote in independent learning, especially in students.
  2. E-mails have now made communication easy when compared to writing letters.
  3. Gadgets make our life easier and speed up the regular everyday work we do.
  4. Gadgets can also be used by the teachers to educate their students in a more exciting way.
  5. Gadgets provide an easy way to access the needed information.
  6. These encourage creativity.
  7. Help in innovations.
  8. Modern gadgets also provide the ease of mobility
  9. Improve our lifestyle
  10. Improved the way people entertain themselves.
  11. Help businesses increase their productivity.
  12. Easy for students to learn anything from the comfort of their homes.
  13. Improves our social networking, which is good for people and businesses as well.
  14. Modern gadgets are now days used in hospitals and even in surgical rooms.
  15. Helps build better architecture.

Disadvantages of Modern Gadgets-

  1. Excessive use of gadgets can lead to loneliness.
  2. A number of gadgets and applications have replaced humans in their jobs.
  3. Increase in dependency levels.
  4. More dependency leads to reduced intelligence.
  5. Everything we use on the gadgets is interlinked like our personal data, bank accounts and thus is a threat to security.
  6. Modern gadgets can also distract student from their studies.
  7. Most often than not people get addicted to these gadgets.
  8. Studies have shown that modern gadgets show a negative impact on our brain.
  9. Can lead to a number of health problems in both adults and kids.
  10. Kids who spend long hours on these gadgets lose interest in their studies.
  11. Reduces physical activity, especially in kids.
  12. Can increase depression.
  13. People can easily get duped by online scams.
  14. Can cause sleep related disorders.
  15. Can cause headaches and hearing difficulties with excessive usage.

Now that we have understood both the advantages and disadvantages of these gadgets, let us put gadgets to good use. Remember, gadgets can be a real boon, and rather handy. And, like any thing else, over use can turn into an addiction.


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